Sunday, October 5, 2008

Be Who You Are

Ask yourself this question. Who is in charge of the following things: your future, your life, and your impact on others. The answer is YOU. We depend on God to guide us but we have a will that leads us into our future. Going back to the day we were born we did not have the choice to decide whether we would be a male or female. As stated in an earlier post that was determined for us earlier. But, as a new born baby we did not have an understanding of our new world we did not have any values that we could use to reason or make decisions. We had not developed how to be judgmental or how to discriminate about others or ourselves. As a child we had not felt or experienced fear, anxiety, defeat or despair. As time goes on our primary care givers are teaching us this through the examples that we see and hear. Then as we get older we experience our own feelings and we develop a set of beliefs.

So again, Be who you are. Kelly King the new CEO for BB&T quoted this, "If it is to be, it is up to me." Whatever in life we are struggling with it is up to us the individual to work thru and find the answers for situations in our life. I want to be the type of individual that people will and can depend upon. Do I always do the right thing? Do I always use good judgment? Am I perfect? No to all of the questions. I am who I am and as the song goes....God is still working on me. We learn from our past mistakes and work toward a better more productive tomorrow. Don't lose faith in yourself and others. Rome was not built in a day. Until the next entry number four see if you know what this means and whose state motto it is...."Esse Quam Videri."

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